Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sometimes "right back where you started from" is where you belong.

well. I am back... did that just happen? Yes- I feel it running through my body and mind at every waking and sleeping moment of the day. I dream of bus stops and beach walks, mellow dinners and chaotic traffic. The circadian rhythms have finally come into balance and I feel charged, although I do have spouts of anxiety and confusion due to the dramatic change of environment and level of expectations for the next day (week, month, year- oh my!). I have been back to the US of A for almost 2 weeks and have been meaning to write a "final chapter" but just can't seem to have any time for a shared reflection! Nor, do I know what to write about.

The airport code is still orange here, and still no one has learned what that means.
I saw a guy begging on a corner we passed en route to Easter mass. His outfit was so nice and new I wondered what he was thinking when he dressed up for the day... a crisp Packers sweatshirt just meant "winner" to him that day? I wanted to teach him the six year-old barefoot girl with a two month old on the hip trick... but I just stayed silent.

I am still trying to figure out the next steps. I know that finding (and giving) love and adventure are always going to be my two main focuses in life... so where to next to continue to give and receive?!

Saint Paul is funtastic, the weather has been beautiful and I get to laugh a lot (I still laugh a little too loud.) It is fun to have so many people who love you in your everyday moments! I head to Jackson in a month. I am excited for my summer of a little log cabin in the mountains, my backpack, and my yoga mat! Helping youth connect with themselves and gain independence through backcountry trips in the Tetons (and continuing to find myself through meditation and reflection!)
My life is ideal.

I still try to remember to not forget...
I learned so much, saw so much, felt so much. Thankful for all the growth, all the people and experiences that were given to me from this expansive universe. I could not have asked for a better series of events to make my perfect little life!

I am ready for the next adventure. The next life lesson, the next experience that will push growth and realization back into my face! So cheers to the few that have followed all the way through. Thank you for being a part of my journey, a part of my life.

Stay tuned for the Argentina Adventures of 2010! and to all the adventures in wonder we encounter every single day.
(because that is what it is all about)
signing off- Miss Brit

1 comment:

Jared and Suzi said...

You are soooo beautiful, britt. i cherish our shared space for one short month and know with all my heart there will be more!. . . SAP!