Saturday, October 16, 2010

where to next...

Jackson,Wy to Katmandu, Nepal is $1804 for the month of April.
Essshhhh, pricey.

Maybe flying into India is cheaper, everything in India is cheaper, and crazier... so cheap and so crazy!
I could fly into Bangkok.  I think I could still get a taxi and give directions to Teresa and Steve's house.
Flights into Bangkok in April (Thailand's hottest month of the year) are $1245, and from there I could just land travel through Bhurma, Butan, and Bangladesh to get to Nepal- yah, right!

My most desirable place to visit next would be Nepal.  An ancient country whose inhabitants great each other with "namaste."  Glorious mountains littered with colorful prayers that wave heavenward :)
Eric and I want to go somewhere together.  He might try to push  Egypt to the top of the travel list.  He is cute enough for me to almost let him.  

Is it the change in season, the season of change.  The golden aspen leaves are all dropping to the valley floor and the air has it's October crispness.  The season changing externally brings some sort of internal desire for a shift in existence.  As the leaves shed from the trees, so do desires to stay the same.  As I lose another friend to the sacred space between forms, I wonder... all about life.

I will not travel out of the country for months, maybe even a year.  I dream of change, chaos, excitement and bright colors!  I dream of adventure, the life lessons learned, and inspiration.  I dream these things, but, meanwhile, I love my life right now!  I love being in love with Eric, I am finding the joy in my jobs, and I am feeling the inspiration to be my greatest self.

It's coming......!  and I pray I shine bright.  I bow my head to the intention that I find my adventures in wonder in the here and now, in the present.
(and may you too)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're back!

i feel the same away about the changing seasons. time for renewal, goals and good thoughts!

keep on keeping on! xo